Mtt Sng Strategy
Turbo sit and gos and multi table tournaments are the faster version of regular games. The increased speed can be found in the quicker blind levels. A normal tournament will typically have blind levels that change somewhere in the 15-20 minute range, where a turbo event will have blinds that change every 5-10 minutes.
Sit and Go Poker Strategy. Although sit and go (SNG) games are relatively short, they undergo numerous stages that will modify how you should play. With faster blinds increases than multi-table tournaments, consistently succeeding in SNG games require a very aggressive style of play. Turbo Multi Table Tournaments MTT events with a turbo structure will allow for a lot more strategy and actual play than a turbo sit and go. Even though the blinds are going to creep up on you a lot faster than they will in a sit and go, there is still a fair amount of time to mess around with post flop play.
These rapid fire games are intriguing to a lot of players because they do not take long at all to complete. If you get the right group of players, it would not be a challenge to play a turbo sit and go in just 15 minutes. This is a significant drop off in time when compared to a normal sit and go that might take 30 minutes to an hour.
With decreased time in blind levels comes an increase in variance. One of the most noticeable differences between turbo events and regular events is the amount of buy-ins that you can either win or lose with relative ease. There are a lot of skills that sit and go or multi table tournament players need to learn if they are just starting out in turbo games. They may not seem all that different from the outset, but they definitely are.
Turbos are also popular with heads up players, and to a much lesser extent, cash game players. Turbo heads up sit and gos will force players to adopt a much more fast paced approach to the game. If you are comfortable with short handed or full ring turbo games, you won’t have all that much difficulty transitioning over to the heads up arena.
Turbo events of all shapes and sizes have one thing in common though - the inability to mass multi table. Inability might not be a fair word considering some players will do it no matter what, but mass multi tabling is much more difficult when you are deciding whether to shove or fold every other second. Turbo events require a lot of attention and focus in very short bursts. As soon as a turbo table starts, it will seem like it is already ending.
Turbo Sit and Gos
Sit and gos are the most popular form of turbo events. Though they are widespread in MTTs as well, you will notice that sit and gos are almost always running as turbos. Sit and go players like to play in “mini tournaments,” so it only makes sense that they don’t want to have to sit around and play for an hour or more.
Mtt Sng Strategy Examples
Strategy in sit and go turbo games is, for all intents and purposes, a few blind levels ahead of a normal sit and go. Where a regular sit and go takes a little bit of time to develop to the point where big pots are being built quick, turbo sit and gos will be finding all ins almost right away. There is not a whole lot of time to sit around and wait in turbo games because the blinds are increasing way too fast. Sit and gos need even quicker action than MTTs because the field will be dwindled down to a handful with just a few eliminations.
In an MTT you need to beat a ton of players, but this just isn’t the case with sit and gos. The best way to play turbo sit and gos is through a hit and run approach. You don’t want to be reckless, and should still pick your spots, but don’t be afraid to put your money in the middle. The best turbo players are able to take chances because they know that they will pay off in the end. Turbos are not for the faint of heart in any form, so don’t be surprised if you bust out before you were dealt anything better than a weak ace.
Turbo Multi Table Tournaments
MTT events with a turbo structure will allow for a lot more strategy and actual play than a turbo sit and go. Even though the blinds are going to creep up on you a lot faster than they will in a sit and go, there is still a fair amount of time to mess around with post flop play. With that being said, get ready for roller coaster after roller coaster if you decide to put your focus on turbo games only. They are so fast that you are not going to be able to exploit other players with nearly as much consistency as you would in a regular game.
Yes, your inherent edge will allow you to win money in the end, but the short term results could net you absolutely nothing. The rush of a turbo tournament is what draws in larger fields of weak players, though, so it is a great spot to play against easier opponents. When it comes down to it, you are still in a tournament, but a turbo tournament will require even more luck than a regular tournament. There is time available to take down some smaller and uncontested pots, but they are not usually going to be enough to last you until the money.
You will need to be going all in with very mediocre hands far more often than anyone would feel comfortable, but it all pays off when you are able to earn all of your money off less experienced players who are looking for a quick thrill.
Intro Page For A New Series Of In Depth Multi-Table Sit N Go Strategy Articles!
Sit and Go Tournaments come in many sizes. While there are plenty of strategy articles covering the 1-table variety and the largest of these (The 180 Player Sit N Goes for example), the middle ground is not well covered. This is an introductory piece for a new series on 2-table to 5-Table Sit N Go Strategy Articles (so 18 to 45 players on most sites).
This article will look at some of the different forms of MTT SNGs available and the key differences between them. It will also address the key question of whether a ‘standard’ 1 table Sit N Go strategy shares any elements with the multi table variety. For a selection of the multi-table SNGs available at the top sites check out our Best Site For Multi-Table SNGs article.
Mtt Sng Strategy Example
What Multi Table Sit N Goes Are Available Online?
Firstly, what multi-table sit and go tournaments are available. Well the list is growing all the time as sites come up with new and innovative new structures. These start with 2-table 6-max SNGs (usually playing 3 or 4 places), the 2 table SNG games are common with 18 or 20 players – depending on the site these will usually pay 4 or 5 places. As we move up 3 table and 5 table SNGs are the next most popular with up to 8 paying spots.
Blinds vary between the games and sites from 15 minute levels through to 5 minute ‘turbos’ and even faster in some cases (such as the Titan ‘Super Turbo’ games). While Texas Holdem is the most popular by far there are other games available in this format too – including Omaha and Stud for example.
What Are The Key Multi-Table Sit N Go Strategy Considerations?

Let us start with a question…
Would the 1-table Sit N Go strategy of playing tight and solid poker early then pushing all-in late work in a multi-table SNG?
There are 2 main issues with this – firstly the tables are going to be full more of the time, especially in the larger of these games. While pushing <10 big blinds with 4 or 5 players at the bubble works well, pushing into a full table carries a significantly greater risk of being called (and correctly so if you are pushing a wide range).
Secondly, our opponents are more likely to be playing a post-flop game from an early stage. There is a need to accumulate chips in a multi-table SNG that is not necessary in the earliest stages of a 1-table tournament. Missing opportunities to do this by playing too tight could prove very costly.
When considering strategy for a 3 or 5 table sit and go we need to look ahead to the final stages. By the time the bubble is reached the blinds are likely to be very big indeed compared to the stack size. One or two players will usually get an early double up with a premium hand and go on to accumulate a big stack by pressuring opponents throughout the tourney. This adds pressure to also accumulate chips – at the end of the day you did not enter a 2 hour long tournament to scrape into the lowest paying spot, staying ‘viable’ to win the tournament is also a key strategy consideration.
To summarize the basic strategy considerations – we need to strike a balance between the need to accumulate chips and survival. If the two aims contradict each other then chip accumulation must become the priority.
Multi-Table Sit N Goes - Is ICM Appropriate For Multi-Table SNG Play?
Yes, the jumps between the paying places can be used to calculate (or at least estimate) our prize pool equity in dollars and use this to assist with decision making. As the number of paying places increases so do the complexity of the ICM calculations - which double for each place added! However a sound understanding of ICM will allow us to closely estimate when a call or push has a positive expectation. Read our Introduction to ICM for SNGs article for more information on this subject.
Over the coming weeks we strategy articles for multi-table SNGs covering the specifics of 2, 3 and 5 table SNG games as well as adjustments for the turbo varieties will appear here at SNG Planet – make sure you come back soon!
In the meantime why not check out our comprehensive review of the Best Sites For Multi-Table SNGs.
Planet Mark Recommends: We have no hestiation in recommending 888 Poker to all readers who enjoy profiting from the Multi-Table SNG tournament format. Unlike at some bigger sites like PokerStars, these games are not filled with pro grinders, and have a much more amateur / recreational feel - making them easier to beat. 888 offer new players $88 free to try out the games (no deposit or credit card needed) - check out the MTT SNGs at 888 now, and see how much easier they are to beat. Click for more.