Casinos Pump Pure Oxygen
As a casino is very close to 1 atm. Even pure oxygen would not be dangerous to health but an extreme fire risk. An increase in oxygen of 10% (10% more than usually) would be around 23% of the air being oxygen (to normal 21%) giving a partial pressure of 0.23 atm. – Bent Nov 17 '16 at 14:02. Casinos do not pump oxygen into the gaming floor, and the reason behind it is really simple: oxygen is highly inflammable. Filling the casino floor with pure oxygen would be an extremely dangerous fire hazard, especially in casinos where smoking is on the floor.

There is a popular myth out there that casinos in Las Vegas pump small amounts oxygen through the central air system to enrich the ether with “the good stuff.” The theory behind this? Supposedly, the O2 keeps the bettor awake longer and creates a mental state of euphoria, meaning that cash players will be more likely to give away big money on wild wagers.
As a long-time veteran of the industry, I can assure you that the tale is an urban legend that doesn’t have any real fact behind it. What comes to mind every time I hear this rumor are the three Apollo astronauts who died when a small spark combined with oxygen ignited their space capsule creating one of NASA’s worst disasters. It’s a really bad idea to pump any amount of O2 – it could not only kill customers but also burn down the casino.
According to the Las Vegas Fire Department, “pumping O2 into a casino would be a tremendous fire hazard that would greatly increase the flammability of all other objects. Any small fire, anywhere in the hotel, would be fanned and magnify itself by pumped oxygen.” Due to an incredible risk and low reward, no casino would ever entertain the thought of such a “brainwashing” tactic involving flammable gases.
Don’t Get Airheaded When Betting On Sports
The myth, however, brings up an important point. The house may not be getting you high by pumping various gases or elements around the place, but that doesn’t mean it’s not trying to trick you – whether you’re gambling in person or betting on athletics or political events from home.
Dealer tactics and other subtle persuasion techniques built into a casino are well-documented, so we don’t need to spend much time on that here. I’ll tell you my favorites, though – many River Boat casinos are designed to look and feel like arcades, giving customers what look like old skee-ball tokens in exchange for their dollars. That’s no accident – arcades are “fun” and its easy to forget you’re putting real money down. Another good trick is when a slot machine pays out, but doesn’t light up like a jackpot winner. That encourages the slots player to keep trying for a show-stopping avalanche of coin, when in reality, they are well ahead already and forgetting to count.
But since this is a sports touting site, let’s focus on something your favorite sports book does to keep your mind safely tucked inside your wallet – next to the money you’re about to unwisely lay down.
Mayweather vs McGregor – Money Line or Hype Line?
Books will capitalize on hype surrounding any well-publicized sporting event – for instance a prize-fight. For instance, in the upcoming Conor McGregor vs Floyd Mayweather bout, some of the lines on either McGregor or Mayweather scoring a knockout in the 1st round are remarkably similar. Given that Mayweather is a cautious, defensive fighter 100 times out of 100, that’s ridiculous. But bettors lured by the “hype” that maybe, just maybe, the UFC superstar will take the long-shot hoping for bragging rights on an historic upset.
People who prefer to take the underdog should wager on McGregor to win. That’s fine, but the 1st-round knockout odds are a hoodwink given the style of his opponent.
Or consider NCAA football. Though the Navy Midshipmen should probably be considered on level footing with Notre Dame these days (the Middies’ 2016 win over #6 Houston despite having way-too many injuries was more impressive than anything the Irish did all season), the Irish are always more likely to be an odds-on favorite each time the 2 teams play, which is every year. Notre Dame’s golden helmets alone are usually worth 2 or 3 points against-the-spread. That’s just the product of a very hyped team, so beware.
Is It True That Casinos Pump Oxygen
Those are just 2 examples of how those setting the lines don’t need to drug the air – those who don’t research are already easy marks for them.
Urban Gambling Myth – The Godfather
Now, back to the ridiculous rumor of pumping oxygen. It does have a starting point. I believe ground zero is Mario Puzo’s work of fiction Fools Die where the practice of pumping oxygen was a facet of the mythical Las Vegas casino Xanadu. That’s Mario Puzo of The Godfather fame.
Maybe one day, casinos will try decreasing the O2 to disorient players even more than they already are.
One of the most overheard urban legends is that casinos pump pure oxygen into their casinos to keep players awake, refreshed, and sparkly clean. Well minus the sparkly clean part, many casino players do think that somewhere within the recesses of a casino, there's a man sitting behind a huge tank of pure O2 laughing maniacally as he floods the casino with the stimulating gas.
Well this is true. Sorta.
Casinos Pump Pure Oxygen Reviews
Many well-known casinos have been known to pump small amounts of ozone into the air, and this is probably where the myth started. Many people know that ozone is in fact oxygen, O3 to be exact, and the very thing that keeps the sun from turning us black and crispy on summer days. The reason though isn't to keep people awake, but rather to mask the smell of those smoke-filled gaming rooms. Ozone has a pleasant smell, and as a strong oxidizer it may react with some odorous hydrocarbons and help get rid of the stench of the wafting cigar next to you.
Casinos Pump Pure Oxygen
There has been no proof that ozone can act as any sort of stimulant, or help you run the 100-yard dash any faster. Well that's fine for O3, but what about O2? This is just simple common sense. O2 is a highly flammable gas; just ask NASA and picture in your mind the image of space shuttles exploding. This would certainly NOT be in the casino's best interest.
Do Casinos Really Pump Oxygen
But the conspiracy nuts do have a point. Casinos invest many dollars each year on providing us with the most stimulating environment. They will have the most friendly carpet and wallpaper to make you feel at home, the most ideal lighting to not highlight that pimple on your face and leave you hiding in your hotel room, and specially angled lights that don't glare in your eyes.
Casinos Pump Pure Oxygen Machine
So next time you're at the casino, don't worry about evil men pumping pure oxygen into the casino. But if you see a beautiful model bathed in glowing light to make sure you keep spending money like the playboy you aren't - be scared. Very scared.