Bca Hall Of Fame
Fisher, 41, who in her first year of eligibility in 2019 was edged out by Canadian Alex Pagulayan in a special run-off ballot, coasted to election in 2020. Fisher will enter the Greatest Players wing of the BCA Hall of Fame. The induction ceremony is tentatively scheduled for Friday, Oct. 30, at the Norfolk Sheraton Waterside in Norfolk, Va., although travel restrictions and health concerns may force the ceremony to be held in 2021.

Mike “Captain Hook” Sigel Inducted into BCA’s Hall of Fame in 1989 Mike “Captain Hook” Sigel (1953 to present) Inducted 1989 Mike Sigel, at 35, became the youngest male elected to the BCA Hall of Fame. Born in Rochester, N.Y. Sigel began playing pool at 13, and turned professional when he was.
Home; Covid - 19 Protocol; Weight Meet Needs; 2021 January Meets/Results. Negro League Hall-of-Fame Player Raymond Lloyd: Friends School and Professional Player, Coach Matt Minker Managing Partner Wilmington Blue Rocks Butch Nowell: Interstate Umpire for 40 + years Larry Shenk V.P. Public Relations for Philadelphia Phillies.